Friday, April 10, 2009

Perfect Scores

in Tournaments
1. Gustav Neumann at Berlin in 1865 (34/34)
2. William Pollock at Belfast 1886 (8/8)
3. Emanuel Lasker at New York in 1893 (13/13)
4. Henry Atkins at Amsterdam 1899 (15/15)
5. José Raúl Capablanca at New York in 1913 (13/13)
6. David Janowski at Paris in 1914 (9/9)
7. Alexander Alekhine at Moscow in 1919-20 (11/11)
8. Boris Kostic at Hastings 1921-22 (7/7)
9. Vera Menchik at Women's WCC tournaments at Prague 1931 (8/8)
10.Vera Menchik at Women's WCC tournaments at Folkestone 1933 (14/14)
11.Vera Menchik at Women's WCC tournaments at Warsaw 1935 (9/9)
12.Vera Menchik at Women's WCC tournaments at Stockholm 1937 (14/14)
13.William Lombardy at World Junior Chess Championship, at Toronto in 1957 (11/11)
14.Bobby Fischer at the US Championship of 1963/64 (11/11)
15.Alexander Beliavsky at Alicante in 1978 (13/13)

in Matches
1. Howard Staunton over Daniel Harrwitz in 1846 (7/7)
2. Wilhelm Steinitz over Joseph Henry Blackburne in 1876 (7/7)
3. José Raúl Capablanca over Boris Kostic in 1919 (5/5)
4. Bobby Fischer over Mark Taimanov in 1971 (6/6) (QF Candidates Match)
5. Bobby Fischer over Bent Larsen in 1971 (6/6) (SF Candidates Match)

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